Cooking with Rosa

Once a month Rosa opens the doors at Eglinton on a Monday for a dinner party where you can join her in the kitchen. It's an expanded version of our Family Style menu with plenty of Antipasti, Primi & Secondi with wine included. It's a little learning and a fantastic meal.
Upcoming Cooking with Rosa Dates:
Note: Public Classes with Rosa run on Mondays only
2025: First event Monday January 20th!
Book a private event for any group of 10 or more!
The Details
Why only Mondays? Because we can only have you in the kitchen when not serving the public.
What time? We start at 7:00 sharp, get there for 6:30, and it will run about 3 hours.
Do I have to cook? Nope. Only if you want to get involved.
Are there recipes for take-home? No, the class is more fun dinner party than instructional, see the description above.
Are vegetarians welcome? Yes! As are most with dietary restrictions, though in honestly those who follow a vegan diet will only have 1-2 dishes per course to enjoy.
Special price for children? Sorry, no. The dinner is adult themed and while we don't exclude teenagers and kids, it's probably not a vibe they would enjoy.
Cost? $125 plus tax and gratuity
What if I pay by Italian credit card (AKA CASH?)
The tip and tax are included in the $125 - and we love you more.​

All About Rosa
Born and raised on a farm near the town of Modugno in southern Italy, Rosa loves to tell stories of her childhood. From stealing fresh bread from the kitchen after school to sneaking into the cellar with her brother to pilfer fresh cheese or olive oil, her love of food started at a young age. With a focus on fresh, ripe ingredients, Rosa's kitchen is still a place where flavour comes first!

Sunday Sugo ​
In the restaurant, Rosa prepares her signature tomato sauce vegan-friendly, but every Sunday in her home kitchen there is another tradition; the SUNDAY SUGO. With due respect to our veggie-lovers, this sauce might not be for you; it is a fridge-emptying, gut-busting smorgasbord. The saucepot is loaded with stewing veal, salsicce (sausages), ribs, and anything else that happens to wander too close! Guest stars may include lamb, oxtail, rabbit, meatballs, and if you are among the truly fortunate… braciole!
At the table, you start with small bites of salumi, olives, cheese and fresh bread, followed by a simple pasta smothered in this rich, heart-warming, mouth-watering red sauce. Then, with another round of fresh bread, the meats hit the table; fall-off-the-bone, tender and tomato-sweet.
Then, with another round of fresh bread, the meats hit the table; fall-off-the-bone, tender and tomato-sweet. For those raised in Italian homes under a strict regimen of caloric excess, we continue on with small-bite desserts, coffee and perhaps a little amaro to finish the afternoon, but for the rest of us, there is no shame in tapping out. Throughout the ages, this feast has prompted countless happy survivors to echo the phrase, "I need a nap".
Join us for your very own Sugo-inspired dining event. Book our dining room for a bubble-approved family get-together; multiple courses by candlelight with privacy and time to savour the company of loved ones. The best part? YOU don't have to wait for Sunday.